Environment Applications
EHSdesk’s Environment Applications provide efficient and compliant methods for managing environmental requirements in a robust suite of modules.
Air - Paintman
Air Emissions (AIR) module is the overall umbrella for applications related to Air Emissions to help drive regulatory/permit compliance.
* Painting/Coating provides an emissions collection and reporting system for paint /coating /thinner usage at booths or other processes. Permit Limits are factored in with exceedance notifications / rules.
Waste Tracker
Waste Tracker (WST) application provides a characterization methodology to detail the types of waste/scrap metal associated with operational processes. WST provides the capability to track wastes (hazardous, non-hazardous, universal, etc.) from point of generation (POG) to final disposition (shipment for disposal, treatment, reuse, or recycling).
Material Tracker
Material Tracker (MAT) application manages material/chemical usage for regulatory reporting. MAT accepts file imports or manual entries of materials purchased and applies a conversion factor to produce purchase data acceptable for chemical reporting. MAT also acts as the EHSdesk centralized repository for master data ( materials, safety data sheet [SDS] properties, chemical constituents, chemicals, etc.)
Air - Fuelburn
Air Emissions (AIR) module is the overall umbrella for applications related to Air Emissions to help drive regulatory/permit compliance.
* Fuelburn provides an emissions collection and reporting system for natural gas, diesel, and other fuels used at boilers or other fuel burning equipment. Permit Limits are factored in with exceedance notifications / rules.
Air -Stacks
Air Emissions (AIR) module is the overall umbrella for applications related to Air Emissions to help drive regulatory/permit compliance. AIR applications are integrated throughout with the master Equipment and Materials lists.
* Stacks maintains an inventory of air emissions sources (stacks, vents, fugitive, etc.). Stacks can be related to Equipment and Control Systems.